Your Practice is Your Business

A Message From Mona Ruback, CSS

CEO/Associated Billing Center, LLC-Your Mental Health Billing Specialist


Yes, you can help to nourish your patient’s mental hygiene while also concentrating on your practice’s financial health. The two are not mutually exclusive. Very few clinical graduate programs provide any business or financial management training. Being a good clinician is not enough. Maintaining an entrepreneurial spirit is not at odds with your calling to the profession of counseling.

Marketing your practice, including website development, advertising and creating a Newsletter are areas worth exploring if any fit into your comfort zone.

Creating a digital presence is important. Utilizing the proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can lead to more “hits”. Your practice needs a distinctive website to showcase your brand. Yes, you do have a brand. It is your style, your individual therapy skills and your panache. If you maintain social media skills, you can develop your own website inexpensively on many platforms (just remember to explore SEO).

Other marketing suggestions include presenting workshops and advertising them or giving presentations at service organizations.

Mental health professionals often view the profit aspect as antithetical to providing care and healing. The reality is that one cannot survive without the other.

Assisting our clients in maintaining healthy practices is our objective.

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.


Disclaimer: Please note: The editorial content of this page is in no way intended to be professional advice. It should be considered informational and a venue for entertainment purposes. Read and utilize at your own discretion. Content may not be published without the expressed consent of Associated Billing Center, LLC